Thursday, April 30, 2009

Apabila saiz bra 36B

I will be the first to admit that I am socially retarded. Aku punya zero skills dalam hal bersosial ni. Mungkin kerana aku berasal dari keluarga yang kecil. Hanya Mummy, arwah Daddy dan aku sahaja. Dan sebagai anak tunggal, aku tidak banyak berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Dan mungkin juga kerana I was over weight throughout my tween and teen years. Aku sering diejek kerana berat badan aku, dan bra size 36B aku pada waktu itu juga tidak membantu. I was an easy target. Aku malu sangat apabila terpaksa lari waktu PJ kerana mesti ada sahaja mulut celaka yang nak mengeluarkan kata-kata yang akan memalukan aku. Dan kerana sebab-sebab ini, aku sentiasa awkward apabila berdepan dengan orang ramai. Tidak kira la sama ada complete strangers, familiar faces atau kenalan. And because I am always so unsure of what I'm supposed to do when I am faced with new people, old friends and different situations, I often become a wallflower.

Something as simple as a smile become such a mind debate for me. "Do I smile at this person?", "Should I pretend I didn't see him and then act surprised when he comes up and says hi?", "Do I wave or shake their hands?", "Do I fold my arms, sit down, stand up or join in on the conversation?" or "Maybe I should just leave. No one would notice. I'm just a fly on the wall". Situasi-situasi simple macam ni pun aku tak tahu macam mana nak handle.

Rasa rendah diri pun ada juga. Aku ingat masa aku menonton filem Never Been Kissed dahulu. Drew Barrymore seorang wartawan akhbar yang menyamar sebagai seorang pelajar high school. She tried to fit in with the cool kids but they treated her like crap. Aku tak pernah pun cuba untuk berkawan dengan budak-budak cool di Johor Bahru ni sebab aku sering berfikir "Siapalah aku?". I'm just an under achiever with Jay Leno's chin. Dan aku rasa sangat connected dengan watak Drew Barrymore di dalam filem itu. Chubby, clumsy, clueless, self-conscious and traumatised.

Bagaimana pula aku sekarang? Aku tetap sama seperti dulu. Bezanya aku kurus sedikit, kulit aku kurang jerawat dan sudah berumah tangga. Tetapi walaupun aku sudah melalui perubahan fizikal ini, aku tetap rasa seperti seorang outcast. Old habits die hard. Once a fat girl, always a fat girl. Tentu ramai yang berkata bahawa I am a prisoner of my on mind and that closure shall set me free, tapi to hell with closure. Closure is for people who are in denial. Optimists, I call them. Aku seorang pessimist and therefore, I am a realist.


  1. Am i the first reader on ur blog, angie??..heheheh..anyway, aku suekr tgk ko skang..ko dah cantek yang sememangnye cantek..dan ko dah kurus,bgla tips tuk aku yg sedang memebesar ni...hehhehe...ingat lagik tak masa form 1, ko la org pertama dok ngan aku kat dalam kelas sebelum kiter dipindahkan ke kelas yang sebenarnye...hehheheheh

  2. hey angie, im totally feelin ya, lagi lagi bab drew tu, i felt the same way too during high school! except that i dont have 36b.. i have double chin, ade org siap pangil aku hunchback of notre dam! tu siut je.. ahahah n what that story never been kissed punya lesson mmg bagus kan.. like high school is nothing, the outside of school is more real n important kan.. like who u r now n those kids (aka "popular kids" yg tease u or me or anybody that is in the same situation as 'josie grosie') is 40persen is no longer as popular as they were before.. hahaha i mean from my observation org yg i kenal lah kan.. hehe well neway, drew rocks! :D panjang gile komen ahah keep the blog comin in. good writing bebeh ;) -hana bakhra

  3. memang betol hana. high school is nothing tapi the impact of its sucky-ness last a lifetime kan. high school sangat cruel.
